Little annoyances make it big


The progtagonists in this cross-media campaign for VERFORA may look funny, but they're pretty nasty. They are called Kopfus Klopfus, Schnupfus Maximus, Pollus Juckus or Fiebrus Plagus, and their names say it all. With the help of the augmented reality app and the campaign website, the pests are also making digital space unsafe.

Tormentors in 3D

The tormentors have conquered Swiss children's rooms in no time at all. This was made possible by the VERFORA memory cards to collect and the accompanying app for iOS and Android. The augmented reality scanner brings the creeps on the cards to life with fun 3D animations. Each new scan unlocks additional content in the app, such as new stickers for the selfie feature. User experience and fun factor of the app were checked in user tests at an early stage.

Microsite for Micromonsters

The campaign website introduces the tormentors and the associated VERFORA products. A rather cheeky character named Schnupfus Maximus comments on every click. If you want to have the augmented reality memory at home, the POS search engine helps you find a participating pharmacy or drugstore in your area. For those in a hurry, there is also a browser-based version of the memory game on the website: Who can uncover all the pairs the fastest?

Selfie stick optional

An accompanying photo contest provides an additional incentive to interact with the tormentors. Anyone who uses the app's selfie function and uploads a snapshot via the microsite has the chance to win a travel voucher.


Concept, UI/UX Design, Art Direction, User Testing, Frontend Development, Backend Development


Lead agency: Formeldrei,
3D animations: Boutiq,
User Testing: Pascal Geronimi,
Text: Regina Münstermann
